New book released:

The Innovation City

Executive Summary

The new visionary plan for innovation cities around the World has been released.

The book describes in detail how these new cities will boost innovation in a way the World has never seen before. Technological and political development will get accelerated many times by concentrating skilled people and companies, and giving them a new way of working: the most innovative parts of the Worlds greatest companies will join forces in new companies and reach the technological landmarks much faster than in the current setup.

The cities will be financed by investment funds, and have a whole new democratic governmental system. It will be the best places to live and work in the World. It will be a society in the society, and fully autonomous with schools, companies and own rules. 

The Danish version is available here:
Get the book here

Copenhagen, 23 April, 2021


New report released:

Roadmap to stop China in Hong Kong

Executive Summary

On the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule on 1st October 2019, China’s President Xi Jinping said; “No force can stop the Chinese people and the Chinese nation forging ahead.” And he continued; “We will advance peaceful development of cross-strait relations, unite the whole country and continue to strive forward the complete unification of our country.”

Self-confidence is good to have – we know this from other great nations -  but when the great superpowers of the World violate international laws in pursuit of control and power, the game plan have to be stopped, and if there are anybody left strong enough to remind the dominant power of their violations, they better speak up before they lose influence and eventually themselves.

In the recent conflict with Hong Kong, China has violated international law and are kidnapping citizens from HK to mainland China for possible lifetime punishment. Hong Kong was promised to keep their way of life until at least 2047.

If the recent decades of global politics continue, China will have its way and only meet a few sanctions and diplomatic conversations as response.
What will it mean for the prevailing norms in international relations to be decided by an authoritarian state where freedoms of speech, press, and assembly are extinguished for its citizens and those under its power? If we lose the next decade, we'll soon find out. The democratic world should be consolidating, integrating, pushing back and cutting China off from the things that will enable the continued rise toward their vision of power.

A complete Roadmap to success is listed in the end of the report.

Copenhagen, 21 August, 2020

Read the free report here online

About the authors:

Zhang Wai, Chinese journalist and University student
(authors name is a pseudonym. The identity is known by CIPO) 

Peter Hjorth, former Parliamentary candidate and 
founder of The Democratic Party of Denmark

Download the free PDF report here

New report released:

Women's rights in India under pressure

Executive Summary

The Indian Constitution gives the privilege to women of the nation to participate in policy making with reservation at the root level, which is actually the root of democracy. This is the biggest platform for every woman to contribute to society and start a political carrier. If they can start here and execute powers independently at village level, there is no power to stop them to participate in policy making at state level and national level.

There are so many hindrances despite that they have opportunity to stand for their political rights to become a true citizen of India.
If the Indian Government would push the need for change by making a nationwide campaign for more women in politics, it would be a good beginning.

Copenhagen, 27 November, 2020

Read the free report here online 

About the authors:

Salinder Kaur

Peter Hjorth, former Parliamentary candidate and 
founder of The Democratic Party of Denmark

Work in progress

The Innovation City
Denmarks EU advantages
The Value of immigration

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