The think tank CIPO

Center for Innovative Politics

CIPO is an independent, private think tank, that is working with innovative politics. Vi develop and communicates research and analysis within all areas of both national and international politics, and are working on setting the agenda within research, politics and the public debate. CIPO are working to participate in the national and International debates and in academic networks, and to publish articles in esteemed academic magazines. As part of our research we also evaluate Denmark's national and international situation, and inform media, politicians and the public about the results o our work.

We do basic research, consultancy and other paid work, e.g. policy reports. We focus on contributing with innovative suggestions, that have to be a optimized to a efficient and practical viable implementation to the political system.

CIPO is lead by a Board, that consists of members from both the academic and political world, and the private sector, to make sure we live up to our academic obligations. Our director is appointed by the Board and responsible for the centers daily operations. An internal Advisory Board advices the director and participate in the strategic research planning.



CIPO is lead by a Board, that consists of members from both the academic and political world, and the private sector, to make sure we live up to our academic obligations.


Our director is appointed by the Board and responsible for the centers daily operations. An internal Advisory Board advices the director and participate in the strategic research planning.